The television actress and news anchor Maggie Tavibi came to visit the Yad BeYad charity center in Lod to see the wide range of activities.

At the culmination of the broad project “A school bag for every child”, a special guest, Mrs. Maggie Tabibi, came to see up close the extensive causes of help and assistance to the community that needs support among them: Holocaust survivors, Galmods alongside immigrants and families that are struggling financially.
The founder and chairman of the organization, Rabbi Jacob Globerman, accompanied the guest and introduced her to the organization’s departments, in daily activities in clothing and footwear, food products, the Hased restaurant that provides cooked meals, a club for the elderly,
And also at the organization’s logistics center where teenagers packed new satchels and fancy writing sets which will be distributed all over Israel through social workers and the welfare departments for students who are unable to equip themselves with a satchel and stationery for the school year.
Rabbi Globerman thanked her for the visit.