The Yad BeYad association led by Rabbi Yaakov Globerman has given 50 new refrigerators of the ‘Newfan’ brand in recent weeks. The new refrigerators were delivered to the homes of needy families in the city of Lod.
The association, which is active in the city of Lod and its surroundings, has been active for 24 years in a variety of broad fields to help those in need in a professional and high-quality manner.
As part of its activities, the Yad BeYad association worked in cooperation with the organization ‘Letat’, which was a partner in the welfare of the needy in Lod.
The cooperation included the supply of the new refrigerators from the ‘Newfan’ brand.
Thanks to the cooperation with the organization ‘Latat’, the association was able to provide families in need in the city of Lod with new and modern refrigerators, useful over time.
The Yad BeYad association, led by Rabbi Yaakov Globerman, continues to work for those in need and to give them support and assistance to deal with the daily difficulties.