An evening of recognition and salute was held by the Yad Yad organization for the benefit of the dozens of volunteers who contributed to the IDF soldiers

Dozens of male and female volunteers banded together during the war to be a helper and supporter for the IDF soldiers in the fire and combat sectors, these people cooked food and baked cookies and even pots of soup to sit for our heroic soldiers,
They made sure to bring the cooking and packaging with food and hygiene products under fire and burning with pride and devotion,
In a special and exciting evening that took place at the Yad Yad charity factory, certificates of appreciation and great appreciation were awarded to all the dozens of volunteers who contributed and are still contributing to the IDF soldiers and evacuees.
Mrs. Lia Steinberg told about a special man, a resident of the city of Lod, Mr. Itzik Elimelech, who did not sleep at night without knowing what he was doing tomorrow for the soldiers.
A lot of work and people who did everything under fire and brought cooking for the soldiers.
Mr. Itzik Elimelech known as the father of the soldiers of Lod,
He shared with the audience about the power of giving of Mr. Shlomo Tamir who traveled to the most distant places in the Golan Heights in order to make happy and provide assistance to the commando soldiers.